您的Galaxy Z 系列 及 S23 系列專屬優惠登記紀錄查詢
上述資料將絕對保密,未經閣下同意,三星不會將上述資料透露給其他第三方人士或用於任何其他目的。三星將根據香港法例第486 章《個人資料(隱私)條例》及三星的隱私政策收集和使用資料。有關三星隱私政策及查閱或更改閣下資料詳情,請瀏覽三星官方網頁。
上述資料將絕對保密,未經閣下同意,三星不會將上述資料透露給其他第三方人士或用於任何其他目的。三星將根據香港法例第486 章《個人資料(隱私)條例》及三星的隱私政策收集和使用資料。有關三星隱私政策及查閱或更改閣下資料詳情,請瀏覽三星官方網頁。
The personal information provided herein will be collected and used by Samsung Electronics H.K.
Company Limited, its affiliates and its third party service providers (whether in Hong Kong or
aboard) (collectively “Samsung”) for the following purposes
processing your membership application, maintaining and managing your clubs account;
provision of offers, rewards and/or services under clubs membership;
handling and responding to your enquiries;
performing research or analysis in order to improve our products and services for marketing purpose; and
with your consent, for direct marketing purpose, and for sending member privileges, special offers, announcements, push notifications and newsletters related to Samsung
Such information will be kept in strict confidence and will not be disclosed to other third party or used for any other purposes without your consent. Samsung will collect and use the personal information in compliance with the requirements of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and Samsung Privacy Policy. Please refer to our Samsung website for details of Samsung Privacy Policy, and request for access to or correction of any Information.
processing your membership application, maintaining and managing your clubs account;
provision of offers, rewards and/or services under clubs membership;
handling and responding to your enquiries;
performing research or analysis in order to improve our products and services for marketing purpose; and
with your consent, for direct marketing purpose, and for sending member privileges, special offers, announcements, push notifications and newsletters related to Samsung
Such information will be kept in strict confidence and will not be disclosed to other third party or used for any other purposes without your consent. Samsung will collect and use the personal information in compliance with the requirements of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and Samsung Privacy Policy. Please refer to our Samsung website for details of Samsung Privacy Policy, and request for access to or correction of any Information.