Galaxy A Series

Register now to enjoy Exclusive Privileges

Register your Galaxy A Series and join ClubS today to unlock the member-exclusive perks!
Galaxy A Series Exclusive Offer
ClubS Exclusive Privileges
Up to 3,998 S Dollars
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(If you are pre-order customer, please select pre-order date instead of pick-up date, otherwise you may not able to register pre-order offer)
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(No S dollars will be earned if register as guest)
IMEI number can be obtained by entering *#06# on the keypad of your mobile
Register as a new member now to enjoy the welcoming rewards below:
- Up to 3,998 S Dollars
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You can register as a new ClubS member to earn S Dollars and enjoy exclusive member birthday offer during your birthday month.
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Purchase date over 14 days, you can’t register for the designated exclusive offer

You can register as a new ClubS member to earn S Dollars and enjoy exclusive member birthday offer during your birthday month.
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You can register as a new ClubS member to earn S Dollars and enjoy exclusive member birthday offer during your birthday month.
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「Galaxy A Series Exclusive Offer」 is not applicable for device models sold in Macau.

You can still register as ClubS member to earn S Dollars and enjoy member’s exclusive birthday privilege during your birthday month.
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Thank you for purchasing your Galaxy A Series via Samsung Online Shop. The gift redemption process will automatically process with your order on Samsung Online Shop. There's no separate registration required for the offer here.

You can still register as ClubS member to earn S Dollars and enjoy member’s exclusive birthday privilege during your birthday month.
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The personal information provided herein will be collected and used by Samsung Electronics H.K. Company Limited, its affiliates and its third party service providers (whether in Hong Kong or aboard) (collectively “Samsung”) for the following purposes
processing your membership application, maintaining and managing your clubs account;
handling of offer and gift redemption matters;
handling and responding to your enquiries;
performing research or analysis in order to improve our products and services for marketing purpose; and
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Such information will be kept in strict confidence and will not be disclosed to other third party or used for any other purposes without your consent. Samsung will collect and use the personal information in compliance with the requirements of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and Samsung Privacy Policy . Please refer to our Samsung website for details of Samsung Privacy Policy, and request for access to or correction of any Information.
Thank you for choosing The Galaxy Z Flip3 Thom Browne Edition.

You can still register as ClubS member to earn S Dollars and enjoy member’s exclusive birthday privilege during your birthday month.

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Top-up Value Reward in Samsung Pay, please confirm

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The product IMEI number entered does not belong to any eligible Galaxy A71 or Galaxy A42 5G model for this promotion offer, therefore cannot complete the registration of the Galaxy Z Flip3 Xmas Offer.

Click “Continue” to register the Galaxy Z Flip3 Exclusive Offer

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By pressing “Next”, you acknowledge that you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of “Galaxy S20 Exclusive Privilege”. No changes can be made once the registration is submitted.
The offer registration period is over. If you are ClubS member, you may still register your product to earn S Dollars and redeem fabulous gifts after successful completion of registration.
Product Registration
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Applicable to selected flagship Samsung smartphone: Galaxy Note9, Note8, Note7, Note5, Note4, Note Edge, Note3, Note3 Neo, Note Ⅱ, Note, S10+, S10, S10e, S9+, S9, S8+, S8, S7, S7edge, S6, S6edge, S6edge+, S5, S4, S Ⅲ, S Ⅱ, S

How to get your
Smart Octopus Number

Step 1: Open Samsung Pay application

Step 2: Click the Octopus icon

Step 3: Check the number of Smart Octopus

Thank you for purchasing the Galaxy S20 on NaN.NaN.NaN. We're sorry to inform you there are no offers available for the product you have entered.

However, you can join ClubS with your product registration to earn S Dollars and redeem fabulous gifts.
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Upon purchasing Galaxy Z Fold3 | Flip3 5G Series, you now also can join the “Samsung Galaxy Z Series presents: 「Unfold a Christmas Party with MIRROR」”. Click the button below now to complete the registration for the chance to join.
Click here to join<br/>「MIRROR Fans Meeting」
Click here to exit and finish<br/>product registration >